Wednesday 25 August 2010

Smokestack, fatback, many miles of railroad track

After nearly six weeks of being here and due to unprecendented demand (well three people) here, eventually is the promised blog.

We have finally moved to our apartment. For those of you interested, it is in this building and very nice it is too. And what everyone seems to want to see, what it looks like. First a couple of photos from when we had been in about an hour:

The unfeasibley large living area. Note the suicidal loft ladder on the left, there is a bed up there for anyone interested in trying it when they come.

The said living area looking the other way towards the view outside (with the handle of the truck as a handy reference from the last photo).

The one everyone wants to see - where you will be staying when you come, the spare room.

And now the after - just of the living area at the moment as that the only sort of finished room. These were taken the evening of the day we moved in so its still a bit bare:

As you will see, there is no ceiling lights, I have never had so many lamps in my life.I suppose changing bulbs in ceilings does pose problems.

And finally for now - the thing that really makes the apartment - the view. Sadly its not quite as sunny as that at the moment, in fact its pissing down and has been for two days, who says Britain has exclusivity to shit summers?

1 comment:

  1. Ah... comments.

    Right, what rudeness can i think of...
