Friday 4 March 2011

Now heaven would be a DJ spinning dub all night long*

I now really understand the concept of cabin fever. Obviously not The Shining sort of cabin fever but the sort induced by long days of bloody snow. Its still here, I believe that since the beginning of January we have had about 70 inches of it. It does hang around. And all that lovely pristine whiteness becomes dirty black grubbiness the longer it lasts. However in a case of if you can't beat, we decided today to join and went and had a snow boarding lesson.

It was meant to be a skiing lesson but the queue to hire skis was too long and there was no-one at the snow board counter, so snow boards it was. We went here which is about an hours drive away. They do a very reasonable one hours lesson, equipment hire and days pass for $85. And what fun! Apparently I am quite good (in an old bloke who has never done it before sort of way). Quite good here is defined as not falling on my arse at my first attempt and being able to steer it after a couple of goes. I even attempt the large beginners hill which was a) longer and b) steeper from the top than it looked from the bottom, I fell over three times on that. Giselle wasn't quite as successful but not for want of trying. Apparently it turns out she may be goofy.

Sadly for you all (or not as the case maybe) there is no photographic evidence of this, but take it from me, it was radical dude.

* - I know its about skateboarding but......

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