Wednesday 17 August 2011

Just a half a mile from the Mississippi bridge

I think I now know what those people who roll up Mount Kaliash or walk backwards to Santiago de Compestela feel like. Memphis. What can I tell you? I find that as I get older, I am less impressed with things, I am disappointed with things, things make me go "Meh" more and more. Not Memphis. I had this dread that Beale Street was going to be like Vegas, all front and no substance. But its not - its real, its authentic, its not disappointing.

We ate at Blues Street Cafe. You know how I like my food and those fancy restaurants  [Have I ever told you about when we ate at the best restaurant in the world (well, it was when we ate there)? I have? More than once?  Oh okay]. I can honestly say that he food that I had tonight was up there with that as some of the best food I have ever eaten. Now you might ask "how can fried chicken strips and catfish and stuffed mushrooms be that good?" It was, it was truly some of the most delicious, succulent, tasty food ever. Superlatives cannot do it justice. And all for less than 35 bucks. We have found that the food in the south is, on the whole, superior to the food elsewhere in America. This was the pinnacle.

And the music, oh the music. I was a tiny, tiny bit disappointed that I came to Memphis and couldn't find any live Delta Blues but the bar we went in did have some excellent Chicago blues with a really good harp player. The thing is though, every one of the bars we walked past had music just as good. Get on a plane now and come to Memphis.

And we still haven't been to Sun Studios yet.....

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