Tuesday 7 September 2010

I'd quit my drinking and work on a building too

I went for a walk downtown to do some stuff this morning (including joining the library - I felt like Lisa Simpson, although unlike Springfield's library Nashua's seemed to be in rude health and full of patrons). As I was coming back I saw something that made me smile.

There was someone replacing the putty, or as I found out last week when I had a conversation about ours (don't ask) its known as caulking here, in one of the windows of another apartment in the building. Being me, I was wondering how this feat would be achieved, given that we are five floors up. Well it appears that it is done by the use of a bit of rope and a length of wood. No need for a full scaffolding of the building here (as you would have to do in the UK), just dangle the guy over in a seat attached to a girder on the roof - superb. Though I really must remember to take my camera out with me.

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