Wednesday 17 November 2010

New Jersey Turnpike ridin' on a wet night 'neath the refinery's glow

We have been away again and oh, look, we have been to New Jersey again (I blame it on Giselle's customers).

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She went to an exhibition yesterday so I took myself on a drive, mainly to see trains (so I shan't bore you) but I did get to see the Statue of Liberty's arse and Manhattan in the cloud (thats a bit of Ellis Island on the right)

Rather than drive back the same way as we came, we decided to come back on a ferry from the end of Long Island to New London in Connecticut. This meant driving across Staten Island and driving over this

For all you fact fans this is the Verrazano Bridge, which is the one they jump off in Saturday Night Fever. All I can really tell you about Long Island is that they are right, its long. The ferry ride was just like being in Scotland, the ferry terminal at Orient Point being just like one in Scotland. It was gorgeous standing outside in the sun - better make the most of it, don't think its going to be like this much longer.

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