Wednesday 24 November 2010

Walk right in its around the back, just half a mile from the railroad track*

I have just had the misfortune to have to go to the supermarket. Nothing wrong with that you would have thought. Well today is Thanksgiving eve. Think Christmas Eve in Sainsbury's and then multiply it ten. It was carnage. It appears that Thanksgiving dinner is the same as Christmas dinner in that it full of stuff nobody wants to eat and wouldn't touch the other 364 days of a year. Tinned yams anyone? And there were more tins of pumpkin pie filling that you could shake the proverbial stick at. We were here last year for Thanksgiving and I had pumpkin pie, personally I thought it tasted like something you should be putting wallpaper up with. We shall feasting on our normal christmas dinner of ham, egg and chips tomorrow, although I have relented to normality this year and I shan't be doing frites a la Blumenthal (although they are the greatest chips ever and well worth the four hours they take to prepare). And other than that we have a plethora of films to watch. So bring it on.

* - To save you googling this one, its from Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie (son of Woody). Its sort of about something that happened on Thanksgiving and it is something of a tradition for American radio stations to play it three or four times during Thanksgiving day.  It is very funny and I thoroughly recommend it. Its about the only traditionally American thing I shall be doing tomorrow.


  1. Niiice. Saving it up for Kwanza?

    Have a nice day watching films and girding your loins for Black Friday...


    Happy Give Thanksing. Have a pasty and some cider...

  3. Shan't ask how you found that link.....

  4. and what septics refer to as cider appears to be apple juice to me, if you want real cider you have to get "hard cider" - makes me thing of a bottle of white lightening with a knife.

  5. Hmm, 'hard cider', makes me think of the Gentlemen of the Road that sat in the entrance to Brockwell park... "Grrr-Arrgh! Gerremoffme! Spare change guv?"
