Monday 31 January 2011

Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino

For those of you who have no idea what the post title is all about watch/listen to this (done by the man who wrote it - if you have never heard him do it, its not what you'll be expecting).

We have done it backwards ("If you ever plan to motor east....") starting in San Bernardino where we stayed last night.

Then on to Barstow, where we visited the Calico Ghost Town - a bit too restored for me, I was expecting tumble weed and broken down shacks but its all a bit shiny and been turned into and a shopportunity.

I have felt a bit like Robert Mitchum all day, driving over the High Desert. It is mile after mile of mountain and desert (I think that we have driven 300 miles since we were last without mountain). Those frontier pioneers must have been hoping that the sea was just over the next mountain. I wonder how many went mad out there waiting for the sea? I can see why they replaced Route 66 with an Interstate, it must have been tedious driving along this....

Sunday 30 January 2011

There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me

I think Woody Guthrie actually came to modern LA. I have never seem so may signs that say "No" to so many things. As you drive into Griffith Park (where the above was taken) there is a huge board that has a list of Nos on it. There must be a dozen of them. I was always under the impression that California was liberal. Good PR obviously.

Oh and LA gets 35 days a year rainfall. Guess what it was doing today? I think its safe to say that its not the place that either of us have ever been to that we would say is our favourite.

Saturday 29 January 2011

She's been hummin', thumbin', hitchin' and wishin' for a better day

I have a new favourite road, Sorry Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse but you have been out done. The Pacific Coast Highway is truly the road that keeps giving. At the start of the good bit there is a road sign that says "Bends for the next 89 miles". If only I had my bike.... But I am getting ahead of myself.

We left SF yesterday morning and headed for the Pacific Coast Highway. This road runs from SF to LA along, yes the Pacific coast for 400 miles. The first place we stopped was, at first sight, the delightful seaside town of Capitola. Very pretty.

But it turns out that it should really be Fascitola. It is illegal not only to smoke in bars and restaurants (fair enough) but on beaches and parks (okay its the California state law) but in the street. You can get fined for smoking in the bloody street. We had a very nice lunch, made our excuses and left. Last night we stayed in Carmel by the Sea. This is the town that Clint Eastwood used to be mayor of. Its very nice but very twee. It does have one outstanding feature though - the only bar in California in which you can still smoke. We intended to pop in and have one quick drink and then have something to eat. Well that didn't happen. Ended up chatting to the locals and some guy who was there from Rochester, NY on business. Fortunately there was a restaurant round the corner that delivered food to the bar so we ended up eating after all. We politely turned down the offer of a night out at Clint Eastwoods piano bar where the locals were off to (I really am getting too old for this drinking and getting up and doing stuff lark - and have you seen Giselle after a drink or two?).

This morning it was off down the PCH. O.M.G. There cannot be a better road than this in the world. It is just mile after mile of bends, sea views and mountains.

Whilst we were driving along and I was nearly wetting myself with the joy of this road, this came on the radio

Almost too perfect. We both pissed ourselves with laughter at the serendipity. Tonight we are in Lompoc (pronounced Lompoke apparently). And tomorrow we still have the second half of the PCH to drive.

Friday 28 January 2011

Jump up from my star bed and make another day under my California stars

Well, California is very nice isn't it. I have driven about a thousand miles in the last four days and have seen a fair bit of it. Well, sometimes. Why did nobody tell me about the valley fog? I went to the Central Valley on Tuesday and spent most of it driving around in fog that you couldn't see more than 10 feet away in. Which is a shame because here in SF it has been sunny and 70 degrees.

Sacramento is interesting, they have actually kept the old town (only I don't think the cars are authentic frontier town cars).

And I have driven through a couple of towns that consist of single storey wooden shacks, population 902. Which you get to by driving along a levee road with no fences between you and the irrigation canal and a 20 foot drop to the water - it sort of sharpens the mind whilst driving.

And I have changed my mind - I love my Dodge Charger. Especially after some local yoof told me "cool car mister" (or whatever the local vernacular for that was) when I was parking it today. Oh how easy it is to massage the middle aged ego.....

Sunday 23 January 2011

Took my chances on a big jet plane, don't ever let them tell you that they are all the same*

What a difference 2700 miles makes. I have just been wandering around in my t-shirt. A very nice and temperate 18 degrees. New England, I laugh at your winter! We have only been here for a few hours and you are all right, San Francisco is loverly. But it ain't half steep, wouldn't fancy it on a bicycle. I did feel the urge to come over all Bullitt whilst driving around though.

Its like a different country here (and not just the weather). The buildings, the trees. You can really see why that ridiculous percentage of Americans don't have passports - why bother when the country that you live in so varied and vast (not that this excuses them from not leaving, just explains it).

I now have four days driving around California in our hired Dodge Charger doing what I like to do best. Not nearly as exciting as it sounds though (the car, not the driving around, although.......), I am a bit disappointed truth be told - not the muscle car it started of life as in the sixties, just a nice shaped large saloon car now, albeit with a three and half litred engine Giselle is at an exhibition until Thursday after which we are on holiday for a week, which we spend getting from here to Vegas. I believe what they call in these parts, a road trip.

* -this song is the genesis of the whole post titles as lyrics thing, since I have know for months and months that we were, er, coming to California and have been waiting nearly a year to use it. Oh the little things....

Saturday 22 January 2011

When men on the chessboard, get up and tell you where to go

I have just found this (via a very convoluted route). 1950s science, dontcha love it? I have heard a few people talking like this, I may have even said the odd phrase in there myself. But I wish I had uttered the immortal words "I wish I could talk in Technicolor" - genius.

Friday 21 January 2011

I hear you walking by my front door, I hear the creaking of the kitchen floor

I know, I know - no more weather but I just have to share this. It is going to get cold this weekend and someone from a local fire department has been on the news and said "Don't go out unless you really have to as you may get frost bite"! It could apparently get down to minus 35 (or minus 37 - who knew that at minus 40 the two scales meet?). The temperature at the top of Mount Washington (with wind chill taken in to account) is currently minus 53....

Now what time is that plane to California leaving on sunday?

Monday 17 January 2011

I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats

Without turning this into the local weather forecast too much, the weather here is mental.

Since our foot and a half of snow last Wednesday, we have since had another light dusting of two inches since. Tomorrow we are to get another six inches. Which is then going to turn into an inch of ice later in the day. Yes, ice falling from the sky. Not forming on the ground but falling from the bloody sky. Incidentally the river outside our window has been ice for the last week. Which is hardly a surprise as last night the temperature at its coldest was minus 16 in old money which in funky new European temperature is minus 26 and a half. And tonight its going to get to minus 17 (or minus 27 and a bit). The warmest it got today was a positively balmy 27 (minus 3 give or take). And I chose to live here why?

Ah well, what do I care - we are off to the tropical west coast on Sunday.....

Sunday 16 January 2011

It's a small town, son, and we all support the team

Despite what I said a few months ago and against my better judgement, I find myself actually giving a shit about American sport. Today the New England Patriots play the New York Jets in a Divisional play off game - think of sort of a cross between a FA cup quarter final and the last game of the season to win the league. And I actually care and want the Pats to win.

I can't say that I am completely sold on "football", it would be better if they didn't stop after every play and do you really need so much armour and protection (but then it would be Rugby wouldn't it?) But given that its the main sport on telly this time of the year, I have learnt to to love it. I quite happy that the Pats are my local team. The rest of America seems to hate them which makes them the Arsenal of AFL. Their manager is funny and seemingly very good (having won a number of Super Bowls). And they have their own version of David Beckham in Tom Brady, only he is better and a bit more articulate.

So come 430 I shall be sitting in front of the telly and supporting the home town team.

UPDATE: I don't think that went how it was meant to. Ah well, at least Arsenal beat West Ham three nil yesterday..........

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Dan get up your ornery cuss or you'll be the death of us

I think it can definitely be said to be snowing outside. I have just ventured out and it looks like this outside at the moment....

And note to self - if snow is forecast, do remember to close the windows

Tuesday 11 January 2011

I waved to my neighbour, and my neighbour waved to me

I'm currently sitting watching the news. Along the bottom of it are a list of schools that are closing tomorrow. Apparently there are 4,000 snow plough revving up in Massachusetts with 25,000 tons of salt waiting to be spread (can't tell you about New Hampshire's preparations, their news isn't on for another hour). Yep, its about to snow and its a major Nor'easter. It all kicks off at 3 in the morning and we are supposedly getting up to 18 inches by 3 tomorrow afternoon. So we probably will, they were pretty accurate last time.

And who knew that a blizzard had a proper definition - 35 mph winds, visibility of less than a quarter of mile and a three hour plus duration, in case you were interested.  And we due to get something called Thundersnow whatever that might be (I am assuming a thunders storm whilst it snows).

How exciting.....