Sunday 16 January 2011

It's a small town, son, and we all support the team

Despite what I said a few months ago and against my better judgement, I find myself actually giving a shit about American sport. Today the New England Patriots play the New York Jets in a Divisional play off game - think of sort of a cross between a FA cup quarter final and the last game of the season to win the league. And I actually care and want the Pats to win.

I can't say that I am completely sold on "football", it would be better if they didn't stop after every play and do you really need so much armour and protection (but then it would be Rugby wouldn't it?) But given that its the main sport on telly this time of the year, I have learnt to to love it. I quite happy that the Pats are my local team. The rest of America seems to hate them which makes them the Arsenal of AFL. Their manager is funny and seemingly very good (having won a number of Super Bowls). And they have their own version of David Beckham in Tom Brady, only he is better and a bit more articulate.

So come 430 I shall be sitting in front of the telly and supporting the home town team.

UPDATE: I don't think that went how it was meant to. Ah well, at least Arsenal beat West Ham three nil yesterday..........

1 comment:

  1. I'm so so so glad my Hammers were able to lift your spirits Simon ;)
